The thing about women without women.
The thing about men who supposedly can't talk about feelings and love.
The thing about love as a "universal" value.
Much is said about it, much is heard about it in the media, books, movies. In this age of freedom, rapid change and reevaluation, definitions are hard to come by. We have a wide range of choices. Everything, even love, becomes relatable: because it has always been so, because my mother says so, because a buddy told me so, because I read such an article, because studies report....
The thing about guys lost in this day and age who don't feel it at all. About those whose ideas are based on values passed down from their parents. Shaped by the environment and culture that provided them with motives or role models. What do men talk about in a male group? What kind of relationships do they build, or do they even want relationships on a permanent basis? Do they talk about their feelings, or is it just beliefs or opinions? Who is a woman for life and whether such an option even exists. Are we chauvinists? Have we become more of a partner? What does a happy relationship mean and is it just love?
Is love merely a romantic vision? Has the "universal" value undergone a major metamorphosis?
A thing about the condition of the modern guy, his search for identity and values - the road to the definition of love.
Thus we got a rather bitter, though fundamentally accurate diagnosis of what is inherent in the interaction between people entering adulthood. Although the description of the premiere announced more of an analysis of masculinity, the whole thing seems to have had a more universal appeal.
~Jarosław Klebaniuk,
Directed by: Mateusz Brodowski
Assistant director: Piotr Adamczyk
Text: Mateusz Brodowski, Robert Traczyk
Cast: Mateusz Dymidziuk, Miłosz Majchrzak, Michał Rybak, Olaf Staszkiewicz
Set design: Joanna Kubik
Dramaturgy: Robert Traczyk
Production: Przemysław Piskozub
Promotion: Piotr Adamczyk
Premiere: 22.06.2019
100 min