Directed by: Robert Traczyk
Performers: Robert Traczyk, Marek Gluziński, Magdalena Górnicka-Jottard, Weronika Zwierzyńska

Opening: 7.07.2023

Machines are now on their way to "replace" not physical professions, but creative professions: graphic designers, musicians, copywriters or programmers. The public discussion revolving around the development of the technology mainly revolves around the fear of losing one's job and doubts about the ethics of data acquisition by applications.

Imbued in us by sci-fi movies, the fear of machines taking advantage of humans is well-founded. However, are we really afraid of technology or are we only afraid that it will be used against us? Is AI capable of replacing the artist? Or perhaps cooperate with the artist? The creators of the show will try to perversely replace themselves with an algorithm and pose a fundamental question about the function of art and the role of the artist in the modern world.
