Directed by:
Robert Traczyk
Scenografia, kostiumy, wideo: Marta
Music: Miłosz Majchrzak
Asystent reżysera:
Bartosz Jędraś

Zdjęcia wykorzystane w spektaklu:
Wojciech Chrubasik

Daniel Zawada
Wojciech Zygmunt

Premiere: 05.10.2023, Grotowski Institute

The spread of information technology and the COVID pandemic19 has meant that we are able to do more and more things through apps. Today we order cabs and meals en masse through them. We can also find a plumber, an interpreter or a personal butler or assistant on the virtual equivalent of the square in front of the factory where a century ago a realtor would go out and among dozens of eager workers choose individual workers every day in tact with changing market conditions.

When we click a button on an app, do we think about the fact that there are people on the other side? Not infrequently in refugees or immigrants. These people work for an app, an algorithm. They don't know their real employers. They operate on the periphery of the system.

The power of the large corporations behind these applications lies in their reach and their inability to impose restrictions. Any attempts at regulation are quickly circumvented through, sprouting up like mushrooms, intermediaries and the tech giants themselves.

The show is based on a number of interviews with bicycle couriers, cab drivers and sex workers. It is
an unusual look at employee-virtual reality
Told by people who really know her.

Is it a liberation from oppressive local regulations that make it difficult to make money, or is it a violation of an elaborate social contract? Are we entering cyberpunk or cyberfeudalism?

The show features scenes of violence, sex work and the use of psychoactive drugs.

The performance is co-financed by the National Cultural Center in the framework of the "Young Poland" program.

AskAPP is a performance that is simple and yet complex - like life. It's
A theater that goes out to the people, takes to the streets and talks about what is important. Straight to the face and bluntly."
~Martyna Jersz, wrocł”

 "I highly recommend this wise and highly informative performance."
~Prof. Mirosław Kocur,


„Najsprawniej działa i uruchamia nasze myślenie teatr, w którym twórcy wskazują nam na teoretycznie oczywiste, lecz zazwyczaj niedostrzegane – lub niedostatecznie dostrzegane – fakty dotyczące najbliższych nam spraw.” ~Katarzyna Mikołajewska,

 fot. Magdalena Mądry
fot. Jakub Samogranicki


